Yes! yes! The long-awaited track is finally here and Uzimu Vibes is super excited to share the link with you. But before we do that --- do we even know the concept behind this new jam? Well, here's everything you need to know about FOOTPRINTS by Hagios (ft. Regenerate):

FOOTPRINTS is a track that was birthed out of a sermon preached by Pastor John MacArthur on the title "GRACE TO YOU"

In Luke 9:23 Jesus was speaking to his disciples and admonishing them He said "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."

Jesus here spurs us to follow him. And Paul the apostle concurs that we be imitators of God as dear Children (Ephesians 5:1)

What is to follow? What is to imitate? It is inevitably certain that in this age, it is sternly hard to follow Jesus as many winds of religion blow in all corners of the earth, some seems like sound doctrine, and it sways many people away from the message of the cross. This leaves many at the crisscross, not knowing which path to take and which way to follow. But Jesus in the above scripture clearly states that to follow him is to deny ourselves, to take our crosses and to follow him.

Self Denial has everything to do with forgetting ourselves and realizing that it is not our good deeds or hard work  that can save us but the cross.

Carrying Our Cross means acknowledging that we are heavy burdened and weak and sinful and taking all that junk unto Christ.

Following Christ means accepting him as Lord and savior and the tour guide in our touring around this earth that we in and in our quest to living a fulfilled life.

Ref. Luke 9:23, Ephesians 5:1 , Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 28:19.

FOOTPRINTS dropped last night and is available for free download here

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