As one Brian Tracy notes in his 7 C's to Success article, courage is not just for the fainthearted. It is for the people who are strong enough for the critics that will come after because what makes a man stronger is the dead end coming on a sudden day. Always guard your acts and the things that come out of you. In short, think before you speak.

So, when we talk, we have to be ready for the impact our words can have. If you are not that mentally strong, then the best thing you can do is not to utter  anything. It becomes difficult to retrieve what has already gone out of your mouth for the damage might have been done already. The tongue can wreck your world into pieces in just seconds. 

It can change your destiny . . .

They say the tongue has the power to change one's destiny --- what you say today might be used against you tomorrow. Always watch your words because as a man thinks in the mind the mouth speaks. We actually say what we think and this defines who we are. Never let your present situation make you say things that you will end up regretting. Some people are poor today not because they were destined but because they cursed themselves with their own mouth. They doubted themselves and ended up saying it out that they can never be better in life. Always stay positive, let the heart keep some of the things. People fail to help you because of the words you said some time back and you are failing to progress because you told someone you do not need their help. Watch your mouth before it wrecks your destiny.

It has the power to break relationships . . .

Sometimes people say things out of anger, maybe after so much betrayal, stress or the missing affections. It is natural to be angry and no one can run away from that but always pray for a calm heart, pray for self control. It is easy to lose friends and family with just words. You might be right and truly have to be angry but the approach matters. When a person is angry the mind does not work properly and you can easily say hurtful things that can offend someone. The least you can do is control your anger, pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance and talk when you are calm. It is not easy to win the world with patience and self control but it is necessary. Your best friend does not talk to you because of how you talked to her, you are staying in the same house but some members of the family do not greet you. You might be a great person but always watch your words.

It can deny you the truth . . .

The worst thing to do in life is to have  friends who can tell you everything but hide the truth from you."People who normally take back their words are always finding philosophies to justify their cowardice" unknown. They do not know how it affects the people around. Most people say things and withdraw the words the next day. Such people do not know how to stand on their words or the truth henceforth is no offence hiding the truth from them. They are not told the things they need to hear because people are afraid of losing their reputations and destroying their good names. They fail to tell you because you do not know how to keep your mouth shut.

It can get you in other people's trouble . . . 

Some people are being punished for crimes they did not commit but because of their mouth, they involved themselves in someone's trouble. It's not every conversation you have to involve yourself in. Sometimes watch things from a distance and even when you know something do not say it. Some information is important but if it results in destroying something then just keep it. Never say words that will get you in trouble.

So in this episode of the power of the tongue, remember to always value the consequences of talking without thinking.

Nomsa Rhudo Mwale

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